2. About Committee
  3. Platform for Advanced Genome Science

About Committee

Platform for Advanced Genome Science


Principle Investigator Yuji Kohara
Project Professor at Genome Biology Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics
Keyword for Support Function Advanced Genome Analysis
Grant period FY 2016 – 2021
URL http://www.genome-sci.jp/

Platform for Advanced Genome Science

Support Categories

Support activity for the networking base of a large-scale genome sequencing analysis

Support for novel genome sequencing We determine the genomes of plant, vertebrate (except humans), invertebrate, algae, protozoans, bacteria, etc. using the most advanced next-generation sequencer: a sequencer which can read long-chain baseline DNA. This enable us to conduct high-quality genome sequencing.
Support for mutation analysis We conduct somatic mutation analysis, Haplotype analysis, and analysis on SNP (single Nucleotide Polymorphism) and CNV (Copy Number Variation) on the organisms having their genome sequencing completed with the cutting-edge system and technology.
Support for Modification Analysis We support analysis on the modifications of epigenome, RNA, chromosome structure, and binding protein, etc. We also conduct analysis on DNA modification and RNA modification using a technique to measure single molecule.
Support for RNA analysis We use the RNA samples of organisms having their genome sequencing completed to analyze the number of copied RNA species, stability, GuideRNAs, splicing, and IncRNA and others.
Support for metagenome, environmental genome, and hologenome analysis We support single cell genome analysis, metagenome analysis, and hologenome analysis on the various samples. This analysis includes DNA, RNA, and single cell analysis in symbiosis and mutual interaction on from the biological samples to the environmental samples.
Support for High Sensitivity Genomic DNA Analysis With the advanced genome sequencing system which enables us to sequence a single molecule or a single cell, we support to sequence ultra-low volume samples.
We support to analyze the change over time. In addition, we organize the training course for technical supporters.

Support activity for networking of advanced information analysis

Support for developing a high-throughput fundamental analysis pipeline We provide the analysis pipeline by developing a high-throughput workflow that can deal with the bigdata. We support to analyze the data using the advanced analysis pipeline.
Support for developing a comprehensive genome annotation We develop a technique to obtain high-quality genome annotation or metagenomic annotation.
Support for developing the advanced information analysis on multiple integrated genome information We develop technologies to conduct integrative analysis on the various and a large amount of multiple genomic information obtained by genome analysis and RNA analysis.
Construction of knowledge base supported by Artificial Intelligence We aim to automate the advanced analysis support with the accumulated data and the knowledge obtained in the platform.
Support for Development and Proposal for the high advanced information processing technology We develop the advanced processing technology to support scientific challenges that require very high analysis technology in the field of genosme science. We also utilize it to our support program.


Platform of Supporting Cohort Study and Biospecimen Analysis

Advanced Bioimaging Support

Advanced Animal Model Support

Platform for Advanced Genome Science